Yeah~~~ This is my first post^^
So happy finally i create my first blog... why i say FINALLY?? coz everytime i wan to create a blog, there was many problem i need to fix it...
1st, I am so lazy!!!!!!!!!!! I need to fight with my lazy worm!!!!! everytime i tell myself, its time to create a blog to record my life, my experience. But, everytime i oso din do it. I will say, tomolo still have time, ask myself dun worry, dun worry..haha..that's y untill now oni create my blog..LOL...
Since this sem i have taking STID , so i have no excuse to say i m lazy so i dun wan create blog ^^ STID is a course which teach us about computer, internet and many useful software that will help us in the future such as Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel and so on. Actually not only help us in the future, we also learn more in IT world. I just can say, IT is so complicated >,< i cant understand it very well -_-'''
Thank You so much to my STID lecturer, give us a assignment about create a blog ^^ i have no excuse anymore~~~~Lecturer required us some of the entries must be in english. This is a chance to train my english, i should appreciate it. Besides, ''at least one of the entries contain details about your student information (Name and Matric Number) and your own up-to-date picture''.
Since this is required by lecturer, so i should introduce myself at here..hehe
My name is Loke Yean Kee, my matric number is 196660. I am taking BBA, full name is Bachelor of Business Administration. erm.....I come from Bentong, a small small town in Pahang state.
Truly, UUM not my first choice University.
Because of lack of entertainment ( no shopping centre, cinema very far )
very far from my hometown ( if take bus, we need to sit 7hours in the bus T_T )
but also have one advantage that is UUM student can go Thailand easily~~~~ coz is really near, juz half hour from our uni!!! But, i never go there before,even i study in uum edi 4semester!! ToT sad sad sad~~~~
The 3rd requirement is ''The entries, widgets, and tools that you have in your blog can influence your mark for this assignment''.
That's mean i need to learn how to make my blog more attractive, more funny.
The problem is how to make it???? I have no idea~~~~
how to create my own blog header?? ( can search from internet ? )
background very easy i dun worry ^^
how to add video?? ( the problem is our school wireless is damn slow, how i upload?? )
add photo easy one dun worry ^^
how to make my blog interesting?? ( no idea no idea....>.<...)
waooo.....seem like i have many problems...
''This assignment not easy as i think''
by yeankee